Offline In...
Blackwatch Brotherhood has been more than just a gaming community—it’s been a home, a family, and a place where friendships were forged through countless battles, late-night raids, and moments of shared victory and defeat. Since our founding on October 16, 2014, this community has grown into something truly special.
But as all things do, this chapter is coming to an end. After years of leading this amazing group, I’ve reached a point where I no longer have the time to dedicate to its future. It’s not a decision I’ve made lightly, and it’s one that comes with a heavy heart. If you ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you that Blackwatch Brotherhood has been one of my greatest accomplishments, and I hold it very near and dear to my heart. Blackwatch Brotherhood has been an incredible honor to lead, and I will miss it dearly. It's been my baby for over a decade now.
That being said, this is not the end of the road. The Blackwatch Brotherhood name will live on in the guilds, clans, and teams that have carried its banner across countless games. No in-game groups will be disbanded, and you’ll still see Blackwatch Brotherhood standing strong wherever we’ve made our mark. The only thing coming to a close is the community itself, our website (which will remain online until the domain expires on August 18, 2025), and our Discord server, which will also be shut down.
For those who have my number, you know I’m always just a text or call away. And for anyone who might want to take up the mantle and continue the mission, I’m offering the chance to pass along the domain and all Blackwatch Brotherhood assets. If you’re interested, you’ll find a form at the bottom to request the "keys" to Blackwatch Brotherhood—or simply to share a memory that I can add to this page.
I also want to take a moment to thank those who stuck around through everything—the crazy times, the quiet times, and yes, even the times Bungie made updates that sent players running.
A special heartfelt thanks to:
❤ DinkyTheClown
❤ XxUrHolyNessxX
❤ Ziicaboose
❤ ExpectingRoxas
❤ MiSS MartyR M16
❤ Uncounthplum
❤ RedRayne
❤ xLast Melonx
❤ Pandapumkun
…and countless others who have played their part in the success of Blackwatch Brotherhood. Your dedication made this community what it was, and for that, I am forever grateful.
While this may be the end of Blackwatch Brotherhood as a centralized community, the spirit of what we built will never fade. It will live on in the friendships we made, the battles we fought, and the legacy we created together.
So this isn’t goodbye. It’s just see you later.
Stay safe, keep gaming, and may Blackwatch Brotherhood always be a positive memory to look back on.
💫 See you starside 💫
Michael (Mercy)
There isn't enough room on this page to list all the memories I've had throughout the last decade with you all but a couple of things come to mind instantly.
Raid days were always some of the best times. I’d hold onto my PTO at work just so I could take off specifically for raid launches. We’d all load up on snacks and energy drinks, ready to grind for hours and push through raids in the first 24. Those days were pure chaos, but man, I loved every second of it.
And then there were the nights that had us laughing until we were in tears—like Panda screaming and yelling over who-knows-what, making it impossible to focus because we were all too busy dying from laughter. Or the times when Holy had a few too many drinks and ended up passing out mid-raid, leaving us to try and finish the final boss while his snoring blasted through our headsets.
Then there were the nights when Caboose and I spent countless hours glitching through the map, trying to phase in and out of areas, triggering events we definitely weren’t supposed to, only to end up stuck inside walls or falling through the floor. Hell, we even found unreleased lore before it was supposed to drop, just by jumping off random ledges and glitching into a black abyss.
And I can’t forget the late-night grinds with Dinky, running strikes at 3 or 4 AM on a work night, farming for some ridiculous item that probably wasn’t even worth the exhaustion the next morning.
There are way too many memories to list, but every single one of them means the world to me. Blackwatch Brotherhood wasn’t just a gaming community—it was home. And these moments I’ll carry with me forever.
"It has been a long time since I've had the privilege to enjoy one of the greatest games ever with yall. However, those memories will stay with me forever. I'm extremely grateful for yall, the friends I made, our late nights gaming, and all the laughs we've enjoyed. I wish yall nothing but the best and now I hope someday our paths will cross again! Godspeed, brotherhood!"
"Been around a while and it’s sad to see this clan I once called a tight knit family is going out separate ways but I will always cherish the memories of running raids sherpaing new people and even meeting friends families through the mic. It’s gonna be weird not opening discord and seeing the BWB emblem for the discord but I will forever remember everyone. Per Audacia Ad Astra"
"I remember the late nights my parents would stay up and raid and me watching them get beat up by day one raid bosses or my mom screaming because she can't do parkour and my dad going through the walls. When I was finally able to join raids, I had a blast with all the people I still call friends today. The amount of laughs and tears that were shed every day and every night meant a lot to me growing up. I've met my best friends here, people I consider family. I'm so happy to have been here. I'm happy to have found my best friends here. I love yall. It's been great.But maybe it doesn't have to end.... <3"
"Where do I begin? Well, I first joined the clan when I was invited by a friend from work, last Melon. I was still fairly new to destiny at that time and I didn’t know of anyone who was playing it. So I did what I always do, and I lurked in the clan chat on the app. There were a few times when I wanted to join in the fun, but I was worried I wouldn’t be good enough, so I decided to wait for Melon. Of course he never did. lol So one day I asked for help and Holy joined me. After that, I was invited to do a raid, my first ever raid with people who let me do things. I met NavyMomma shortly after that for some scourge runs. I enjoyed being included. So I studied up on raids and the content so I could be better help in the future. Holy and I did a lot of gaming together. We play Apex a bunch too, even Martyr would join in occasionally. I kind of miss all that screaming some days. lol
I remember meeting Roxas and thinking about how nice a guy he was. To this day I don’t think I’ve ever heard him get upset. Even after repeatedly failing encounters, raid or dungeon, even if everyone else was arguing he’d just be there ready for another go.
Oh geez who could forget about Plum and the many times he’d get yelled at for being to loud when we would raid. He always got to most grief while we played. Sometimes he wasn't even doing anything but we’d still pick on him. It’s only cause we believed in him, well I at least believed in him. Watched him go from high school to college. Had to make sure he had thick skin. lol He was the one who brought a slew of people around.Panda, Star, Cyborg. They became part of the group and we had to start making two raid groups so everyone could be apart of it.
I remember playing with Red in raids. I thought it was awesome how she played games with her parents and she was good too. Snapping back at people trying to pick on her. She was taught well to stand up for herself and others. I got to watch that. From being a member of this group to being an Admin. Putting together groups to explore the content on any game that we were playing. Playing Apex and dominating most of the lobbies we would play in.
Meeting Matt and Potato, come to think of it I don’t remember when we met. They’ve always felt like they had been there from the beginning. Oh the games we have played all the grind sessions hunting for weapons and achievements. It was always a fun time no matter what we did. They taught me a lot on Warframe and I grew to count on them.
Playing Destiny with Kryptide was always fun. We would explore every part of the encounters looking for lore in new content. Trying to solve some of the mysteries in future releases before they got announced. All the theories we came up with of what could happen in destiny. We got every weapon that was available when they would release, at least we would try to. Sometimes those time gated weapons just didn’t align with our schedules. Boy did we put some hours into Destiny.
Martyr was always a hoot. I was always horrible at jumping puzzles but she played a hunter so I was never alone. Sometimes she’d pop in for a quick run on a nightfall or dungeon. Sometimes she’d just join voice chat to talk and check in on everyone. A true mother hen…..that would turn into a fire breathing dragon..ask Plum and Holy.
I have had some of my greatest memories come from this group. I’ve shared some of my worst moments with this group. Some of them I’ve shared real life moments. Catching crawdads and playing jackbox. Sharing multiples meals home cooked or at a restaurant. I have core memories I won’t forget and I thank all of you for them.P.S. I wrote this in my phone and I didn’t proof read any of this enjoy."